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Old 10-18-2019, 02:54 PM   #6
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Re: What is up with shooting in the park?

Originally Posted by 3ShowTime2
Never heard that stats guarantee you at least to hit the rim...but anyway, why is missing a shot such a big deal for some people? Why do people act like they are supposed to hit every single shot...I dont get it.
who said anything about hitting every single shot? let me know where you saw that because i don’t see it in this thread.
my problem is if i’m shooting FULL WHITES then there is NO reason i should be air balling mid range hots AT ALL.
if i release it very early or very late then cool by all means whatever happens happens, but a full white bar from the mid range area? no not acceptable, i understand nba players shoot air balls in real life but not at the rate that 2k has us shooting them. you guys always try to defend the b/s that is 2k. the stuff that’s happening is just not acceptable. they say they are not touching the shooting but they obviously are.

Last edited by Marvlus91; 10-18-2019 at 02:55 PM. Reason: error.
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