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Old 11-26-2019, 08:14 PM   #209
OnlookerDelay's Arena
OVR: 10
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Rock Hill, SC
Re: Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf Available Now on Steam, Soon For Consoles

Here it is almost three years after the announced release date, and FINALLY we see the next incarnation of Perfect Golf, using NVIDIA's Turf Effects for 3-D rough and HDR graphics - Virtual Golf 2. The only problem is you have to have a Trackman 4 launch simulator to play it It really looks better than I imagined it would. Check out the first gameplay video I've seen of it in action. The guy is playing approach shots on the practice course:

Behind the scenes, the creators of Perfect Golf and Virtual Golf 2 are pushing for a PC version release, with possible console releases to follow. Not much to go on at this point, but it seams to be a shame to have course graphics that were created with Unity on a PC, playing before such a small, limited audience!
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