12-29-2019, 02:49 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Louisiana, Lafayette
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Re: Escape from Tarkov
Tips for Zanner
1) Pick a map and run it often, for a new guy, I'd stick with Customs & Shoreline. Then pull the map up on a second monitor or have it open minimized on your main. Double tap O right when you start, look at what extractions you have, minimize the game, check where they are and get to making your way there while you loot and scoot. Generally speaking the extracts will be the opposite side of the map where you spawn. Learning the maps just takes playing and like everything in Tarkov, no hand holding so just stick to acquiring a little knowledge as you learn the play. Eventually you will know the maps and where the extracts are without having to use the map.
2) Open up all the traders first and accept all missions available. Then get to focusing on "a mission" each time you head out with your PMC. This way your not out just randomly losing gear for no reason, have an objective and stick to trying to complete it. Your first one with Prapor is 2 M-133 shotguns & 5 scav kills on customs. This can be a bit rough for a newbie because customs is a high PvP map.
3) Stick to low tier weapons which are capable of penerating even high level armor. SKS is one of the best cheap weapons. The 7.62 PS ammo is not great but is great for killing scavs and getting a lucky head shot on a player can be a big payday for you. A mosin is another quality weapon for low level players the 7.62x54 ammo can pen even Gen 5 armor so you can kill even heavily geared players. The downside is slow fire rate and slow reload, make the shot count and you can down them with 1 well placed shot.
4) If your running low on money and gear in your stash, utilize the scav runs to make money and gain gear if possible. Those are free low to medium level gear, you make it out, its free money to sell the items or use with your main character.
5) Don't get gear fear. You will come across some badass weapons, body armor, and helmets. Don't place it in your stash and fear running with them. As you gain better armor & weapons your survival rate goes up. Level 2 armors won't stop any rifle rounds, but well save you vs scavs shotguns & pistol rounds. Level 3 will stop some of the hollow point rounds. Level 4 is where you start getting to rifle stopping protection. It can't tank but 1 or 2 rounds but will force a bleed or life saving damage instead of instant death. Level 5 & 6 you won't see very often, those don't become come until you reach Level 30+. Against these body armors, it might seem counter intuitive BUT shoot for the legs. You can kill the highest geared players with 5 to 8 rounds to the legs with good hollow point rounds.
At some point your stash will grow to be an insane size where you can't hold stuff you are making it out with. This is where the selling & buying comes into pay. At some point your want to start selling your lower tier stuff & upgrading to higher tier weapons & armor.
Here is me and my buddy running on labs, notice how I take out (2) heavily geared players with legs shots from 9mm ammo. Both of these guys were running gen 6 armor the highest in the game. But that armor doesn't cover the legs, which means, no protection down low.
Before long your stash will grow to a health amount of awesome weapons & armor. As you can see below, I'm finally getting to a point where my armor is all gen 5 & 6 with a large amount of awesome weapons.
Last edited by Phobia; 12-29-2019 at 02:51 AM.