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Old 01-28-2020, 06:00 PM   #8
ChaseB's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K20 MyTeam: Jeremy Lin Spotlight Series Guide

Originally Posted by Mister Magnus
Chase, I know you like to rotate your lineups a lot. Who have you played with recently that feels like a standout and someone you really enjoy? I know you've talked about Smart here in the forums, but who else is someone you've found yourself attached to? Doesn't have to be someone you consider to be a secret stash, just someone you personally have fun with.
The PD Dame from last week, the PD Tatum, the PD LaVine, the diamond Vince are probably 4 of the more recent ones I like. I have not had time to mess around with some of the "lesser" cards as much of late.

Originally Posted by Pharmacist12
I can't believe that Melo went up to around 320 k mt, after i was able to snatch him for 150k mt.
Yeah I don't think it was the MyTeam tourney either that boosted it because he wasn't super meta in that. Think it just took a little time for people to realize he's very good. Or maybe it's some of those 2K YouTubers who boosted him.
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