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Old 03-29-2020, 09:15 PM   #2
ncbravesfan's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Re: Setup Rosters in Franchise

Originally Posted by Michael412
I know this has been answered a few times over but I can't remember where I saw it and wasn't that far yet when I did see it so I didn't pay enough attention...

I set 40s based on Ridin V2 before I started and finally started a franchise using 30 team control and played through spring, set injuries and now played the last game. I'm now in the process of setting up all teams MLB/AAA/AA rosters lineups and rotations. I kept 30 team control through all spring training and will keep it this way until I flip over to regular season then switch the other 29 to the second user. Is this going to work or as soon as I switch them back will the rosters and lineups go all haywire again? I can tolerate a little haywire but if it's going to go nuts I'll stop wasting my time because I'm only halfway through. Thanks for any response.
I think if you assign your non MLB 40 man players to their correct levels, the lineups and rotations will hold. You’ll have to go in and plug those players back in the lineups/rotations, but they should still be the way you originally set them up.
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