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Old 05-27-2020, 12:59 PM   #129
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TarHeelPhenom's Arena
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Re: NFL Owners Likely to Vote in Favor of Extending EA Sports Madden NFL Exclusive Li

Originally Posted by Blzer
Wait, timeout though. You just referenced three Madden titles, two of which are post-exclusivity license. I get it, you think they're good games, and that's fine. But what's to say then you absolutely know you won't like any of their games the next 5+ years?

I mean you may have some idea of understanding they are more focused toward MUT and things like that, but we don't yet know what the next gen will bring when it comes to their direction. For all you know, you may end up liking it as you do '07 and '12. It would be one thing if they stayed on the same console generation and you made this statement, but until we see next-gen Madden and you're possibly willing to buy their titles post-exclusivity, I don't know how you can say for sure that you won't buy one of their titles down the road.
You never say never...but I'm not willing to pay $65-100 for what Madden has become. It would take Madden emphasizing Franchise mode in the way that they used to in order for me to shell out that cash because that's what's important to me. They may very well do that as anything can happen but I have zero confidence that they will. I hope I'm wrong.
"Dunks are tough, but when a 35 footer come rainin out the'll wire you up"
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