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Old 05-29-2020, 03:19 PM   #7
Gnemi's Arena
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Re: FIFA 20 PC & Mod Talk

Originally Posted by jrnlgrn
Paul 2K4 Career and Gameplay Mods: The career mod I haven't spent a ton of time with but you can edit everything about a player real, regen or ya, see an actual injury list of your league reverse or make transfers as you see fit etc. The gameplay mod does something for fouls I want to say it will actually call them for running the length of the pitch and tugging on a jersey and the little tiki tak fouls don't result in a yellow card as often and of course other things I'm forgetting. I used the mod with the OS sliders and it felt yood might need to tweak somethings though.
I am *very* interested in Paul's Career mode mod, but only if I can pick and choose which features to use. I really really really want the ability to edit players.

For example, I cannot STAND the lazy code in FIFA that gives Youth Players like 30-40 names per country so you start to see constant repeats and/or utterly nonsensical names. My first two recruits were Harrison Morgan and Connor Harrison. Gee, apparently there are lots of Harrisons in the UK!

Can I use Paul's mod to just do things like that? Change Youth Academy player names?
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