Option Running Plays
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07-14-2020, 01:16 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Re: Option Running Plays
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Spear said they are still working on it I hope to see WideOut option routes like in madden or ncaa 14 for people who don't know what I am talking about let me explain a option route is when A wideout is giving multiple routes 3 I believe are the most on a single play and depend on what coverage the defense is running the wideout will run the correct route but the wideout must be able to read the defense to run the the correct route so the wideout must have a high intellect for example wideout have a out, a curl, and a go route if Dback is in cover 2 the wideout runs a out route cover3 a curl man coverage a go route
This isn't even close to what the OP was asking about
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