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Old 07-15-2020, 05:10 PM   #23
Micrmay2113's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2018
Re: EA lets make NCAA 14 backwards compatible

Originally Posted by boisestate19
The way backwards compatibility works on Xbox One is that a new version of the 360 game is created and stored on Xbox servers that can be emulated on the One. When you put in a 360 disk in an Xbox One for the first time, the Xbox downloads this new version of the game from the servers and runs that game. Every time after that the 360 disk triggers the Xbox to run the downloaded emulated game as opposed to running the game from the disk.

I am not sure if Xbox would want to spend the man hours plus service space for a game that has licensing issues. Every backwards compatible game is available to purchase on the Xbox store digitally. That is how Microsoft recoups some of the money it takes to make it backwards compatible. That obviously wouldn’t be possible for NCAA 14. There’s no way for Microsoft (or EA for that matter) to make money off a backwards compatible NCAA 14.

I wish it could be backwards compatible but unless Microsoft decides they don’t care about the money and are they ok with potentially opening themselves up to a lawsuit I’m sure they’re going to leave it alone. The emulated version of the game could be considered a “new version” which could also lead to a renewed lawsuit against EA Sports, so EA likely doesn’t want them to make it backwards compatible as well.

The whole thing is a mess.
Yeah the issue really lies in how Microsoft decided to go about backwards compatibility. Gone are the Ps2 days where you could just pop in a Ps1 disc and it would still work. Even the Xbox 360 wasn't backwards compatible with every original Xbox game. NCAA Football 06 for example is the only Xbox NCAA game that works on the 360. They build their architecture without backwards compatibility in mind and then see the demand for it and work it in, only now they have to make a dime off of everything they do.

Sony's even worse. You can forget about putting Ps3 or Ps2 discs in your Ps4 period. You either have to buy a remake, remaster, or use Ps Now.

Hold onto your Ps3s and Xbox 360s. Hell, buy a backup system if you can. I have the old 360 model, and I worry every day that it will red ring. I'll eventually get around to getting a slim model.

Our best bet at this point is to hope that Ps3 and 360 emulators develop nicely in the next 10 years. Preserving old games is becoming a thing of the past for these companies, unfortunately.

Last edited by Micrmay2113; 07-15-2020 at 05:12 PM.
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