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Old 08-01-2020, 09:37 PM   #3
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Caulfield's Arena
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Re: Okay I admit it...

Originally Posted by DudeManE
Middle of the season with my Dodgers Franchise. Running away with the NL West (of course).
ok, I admit I don't like this.

but I will admit like being able to adjust crowd noise. thinking games @Miami on a say, Tuesday would be the lowest of lows lol
In my games, I recently turned the crowd volume down to ZERO (never had the commentary on). Eerie but getting very familiar. SDS needs to add some player sounds ala Madden and NBA2K. A grunt here or there would be great. Chirping from the dugouts would be awesome. "Nice swing B..." probably too much to ask...

I've also taken to manually injuring random players for "flu". IL stints for all of them. I've stopped short of injuring WHOLE TEAMS so far but if someone could point to where you can CANCEL games/series, that would be very helpful. It will probably part of the long overdue "franchise overhaul".

How's that for REALISM people??????

I can't say I'd admit to wanting apocalyptic type stuffs coming to my Show be it pandemics epidemics earthquakes fires or floods. I also don't want any part of cancelled games but I'm not opposed to it if it's optional or included as rained out postponed games to be made up as doubleheaders. and not those bush league 7 inning varieties either. real, honest to goodness Ernie Banks doubleheaders. obviously I do like being able to manually injure players though. don't ever want that removed, for sure.
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