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Old 08-20-2020, 09:32 PM   #6
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Re: Your Top 10 Sports Figures of All Time

Good thread and my top 2 are like 1 and 1A but here we go

1. Shaquille o'neal (NBA)- Him and Kobe is what basically got me into loving basketball my favorite sport to play and watch. I was 11 when they one there first championship together. I do remember watching Jordan in 1998 some but its kind of fuzzy and same with spurs wining in 1999 when i was 10. Lakers championship team in 2000 run is one of my first great memories when it comes to watching sports. I loved them because it was so perfect with oneal on the inside and kobe doing the out side game and i love that Oneal seems to be a good person has given a lot of money to help people and is funny. I am glade he is still around and didn't just like go away when he was done playing.

1A. Kobe Bryant (NBA)- I loved how competitive he is and how much passion he played with and how hard he worked with. He played threw a lot of injures something i respect a lot.

3. Brett Favre (NFL)- Football is my second favorite sport a little behind basketball and a big reason for that is because of Favre he is basically why i got into watching nfl. I loved how much passion he always played with. That passion he played with made it a lot of fun to watch and like just rubs of on you. I loved how tough he was both physically and mentally. The fact he played in like 250+ games in a row at a position that takes such a beating and even more so when he was around has QB where not protected like they are now for most of his career. I still remember how great he played the day after his dad died.

4. Stephen curry (NBA)- He changed the game with his 3 point shooting and the combination of shooting and ball handling is just special also seems to be a nice guy who is not to full of high on him self.

5. Lebron James (NBA)- The combination of his passing and being able to score is something and seeing a guy at his size that is able to be has fast has him is something. The fact he seems to be one of the better humans to is great. His heart seems to always be in the right places has he is always trying to help people such has trying to help kids with the school he helped to open. He just seems to always be giving and giving.

6. Tony hawk (Skateboarder) - I am not sure if i got into tony hawk games before watching any skateboarding or if the games got me into watching skateboarding or what but the tony hawk games where a big part of my teenage years. I first played tony hawk with 3 on gamecube in 2001 when i was 12. By the time wasteland came out the last good tony hawk game i was 19. Tony hawk 3,4 and underground 1 and 2 are 4 of like my top 20 or so favorite games of all time.

7. Barry bounds (MLB)- I don't watch a lot of baseball really have not sense bounds retired but Bounds was fun to watch just felt like he could hit a HR any time he came up and the fact he could do like ever thing such has stealing base, making great catches, throwing guys out etc just made him special.

8. Ray Lewis (NFL)- Like Favre I loved the passion this guy played with. Always loved his per game dancing. Was so fun to see the big hits he would put on guys.

9. Micheal Jordan (NBA)- Like I said above with oneal and kobe 1998 seeing Jordan wining his last championship is fuzzy but Jordan is still like my introduction to seeing NBA.

10. Shaun White (Snowboarder)- Kind of like Tony hawk i think he was a big reason i got into watching extreme sports.
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