problems getting 360 going
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10-05-2020, 07:14 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: The Green Dragon, Hobbiton
Re: problems getting 360 going
Originally Posted by
hi i rly wanna play this game. i got my 360 and got 2k5 to run, but I can't get the rosters on my Xbox HDD because the HDD isnt being detected in Windows using the MS transfer cable. any tips?
The cable is detected, but Xplorer cant find the drive and its not in windows explorer. Do I have to have a jailbroke 360?
EDIT: i have a fat Xbox so looking into its special needs
Sounds like this one falls under the; 'need an official MS/Xbox HDD' category
Silly.. but for reasons beyond my comprehension, backwards compatibility is dependent on that..
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