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Old 10-07-2020, 08:49 PM   #2
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Re: More than 130 teams?

Originally Posted by denvernoles
Hello Spear and everyone! Simple question for you guys. Let's say I wanted to create more than 130 teams (yes I know I'm crazy), would I be able to do so? For example, I have already created and edited my 130 teams, but if I click on the 27 team league and edit teams there, and then go back to the 130 will my created and edited 130 teams still be there? I have wanted to do this for a few days, but I'm extremely scared that if I leave my 130 team league and go to another one, all my progress and edits will be gone when I return to the 130. Thank you for your help!
It appears the answer is yes. I started creating college teams and then wanted to play a pro season so I switched to 27 team league and made xfl teams. I started a season played a game. When i fired up the game again. I switched to college dynasty and my college teams were still there as I left them. Too bad I had to delete it all!

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