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Old 01-14-2021, 05:48 PM   #3
OVR: 7
Join Date: Jun 2006
Re: A modded controller perhaps video:

Originally Posted by ILLSmak
it only recorded my voice. I played bad kinda. We won cuz dude carried us. I have a filthy mouth. haha, so know that. But this is what I mean, feels like dude might have had some stuff going on.

Maybe he's just really unaware and good at the slide + release, but the shots he made after playing trashy at first, it seems like he flipped a switch or something hmm.


CronusMax most likely. It's rampant all over online gaming and only getting more and more popular. It's generally very obvious when people use it the whole time, so they like to switch it on and off at certain certain points to avoid getting reported.

It was generally used for first-person shooters, but with 2K turning into a sweat fest in recent years, your typical cheesers/cheaters have started to use it. A lot of the popular YouTubers use it as well.

Here is an idea of what it is. You can do a quick search on Youtube to see how they use it with the 2K games.
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