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Old 03-03-2021, 09:32 PM   #29
ninertravel's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Re: Why Buy The Show 21

Originally Posted by Caulfield
yeah, not real world but I played that 2020 schedule enough to feel like I know what Yogi Berra meant when he said it's like déjà vu all over again lol
It doesn't worry me as much with baseball being 162 games as much. an 16 week NFL season however that would drive me insane playing that same schedule.

I remember madden on ps2 days there was a way to generate a schedule.

if only the show was out on PC. someone could come up with something like that with a mod. and we could have our own schedules anytime, imagine classic rosters we could use the schedule from that year.
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