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Old 04-22-2021, 05:44 PM   #6
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Re: Call me crazy actually enjoying the grappling in UFC 4

Originally Posted by EarvGotti
I feel you. I've encountered a few them already. It doesn't bother me too much though because if i let them get my back or side saddle then that's really on me. Those positions take a little bit of work to achieve so I can understand why those submissions are strong.

Letting someone get your back in MMA is a huge's not a death sentence but it's also not something that you want to happen. So if the subs from those positions stay strong then i won't be too mad
That is true in MMA, not in EA UFC 4. You can be an elite player and lose to a guy because you got side saddled, its basically instant death and the main route to victory for the top player.

If a player spams clinch and gets even one hip toss you're basically done.

Here is a guy demonstrating pretty good TDD getting beat by this bum tactic.

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