I have finished my 2021 season roster update for the PS3. I have gone through and found the closest 2008 player (portrait and skill wise) and replaced them with the current player that most resembles them. I have done this for every team’s starters (offense and defense) and basically all players 70 overall and up according to Madden 21 ratings. I have gone through and edited ratings so that they are as close as possible to Madden 21 ratings. Some players will have a slightly higher rating compared to their Madden 21 rating while others will be slightly lower. This is due to the two games having different skills that go into overall ratings. Overall though, it should average out to about the same across the NFL.
I have gone through and changed all the Head Coaches, coordinators, and position coaches to be accurate for every team. I have changed HC defensive playbooks to match the base defense and made all coaches have strong/very strong playbooks if they did not have their own playbook in the initial game. I have updated defensive schemes to be accurate (4-3 vs 3-4). I have also updated offensive schemes for every team in order to give an accurate run/pass ratio and stats for every offensive team. I have probably done over 100 test sims to try to get the most accurate stats as possible compared to real life 2020 stats for each team.
Make sure to follow the instructions laid out later on in this post for how to transfer to your PS3. However, please let me know if you have any issues playing with the roster and I can try to help troubleshoot it. I have gone through and simmed 100+ seasons previously and had no issues, but you never know what could happen when transferring consoles. Also, I have already reordered the depth charts, but I would still consider reordering the depth chart before starting to avoid any potential freezing issues from transferring and unzipping the file.
Overall, I hope that you enjoy this roster. I have been working on it since free agency started in March of 2020 as I wanted to have Tom Brady throw to Mike Evans and Chris Godwin (Diehard Bucs fan here). From there I kept adding more and more players and eventually decided to do the entire NFL. I have edited thousands of players and spent countless hours working on this over the last year and a half and am very proud of the result.
As another note, I have changed Washington back to the "Redskins" as if they are named anything besides the "Redskins" the game will freeze if you try to play a game at Washington. The background of the city also does not show up if the team name is anything else and is just a black screen so I wanted anyone to be able to play a game against Washington.
Note: You MUST have a base NFL HC 09 roster loaded on the main menu (or one that you know will work in career) when you start the career. Choose existing/new HC (whichever you’re are wanting to do) and load the 2021 roster when you start from the preseason. If you have the 2021 roster loaded from the main menu before starting your career, the career will freeze and not start. You WILL NOT be able to use this roster in play now.
Steps to load onto PS3:
1. Create a folder on your flash drive called “PS3”
2. Create a subfolder called “SAVEDATA”
3. Unzip the roster file into the “SAVEDATA” folder
4. Plug the flash drive into your PS3
5. Go to the save data and copy the roster from your flash drive
6. Enjoy
I am charging $5 for the roster. I have easily put hundreds of hours of work in as well as hundreds of hours of wear and tear on my PS3 and laptop (both of which are getting up there in age) to edit and perform test sims on these to get the most accurate and realistic rosters possible. I even fried my laptop battery to make these and am in need of a new laptop battery for future rosters.
For the $5, you get the 2021 roster with updated players and portraits.
If you are interested in the roster, please message me here and email me and send money via PayPal to
[email protected] and I will get you the roster. I appreciate the support!