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Old 08-23-2021, 05:30 PM   #4
Gritblitzer's Arena
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Re: Is Madden 22 Moddable?

Being newer to the PC gaming world, this is sort of what I have been waiting to see prior to deciding to buy on PS4 or PC. (I just bougth a new PC about 5 months ago, so I'm excited to use it of course). You can imagine my surprise and disappointment when I found out that PC wouldn't be getting next gen features and graphics. Regardless, now I am trying to decide if I want to purchase for PC or if I want to purchase for PS4 so I can sit on the couch and play Madden and just relax.

Are mods generally a big reason to get it for PC? If mods are typically something that can add a lot of depth, I'll likely get it for PC and try it out.
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