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Old 08-24-2021, 10:25 PM   #6
PVarck31's Arena
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Re: Potential MVP return?

Originally Posted by jrp1918
I loved MVP 05 and even bought NCAA 07 back in the day but I don't have any faith in EA to deliver a true top notch sports game anymore.

The news mostly makes me nervous that they'll buy the exclusive MLB license.

I know that seems unlikely given how successful the Show is and how long they've been the only game in town....

But MLB just signed an exclusive deal with Fanatics to make baseball cards, ending a 70 year relationship with Topps because Fanatics showed up with a bigger pile of money.

I'd like there to be legit competition again but the state of sports business as whole gives me concern. Everything is moving toward exclusive licenses it seems.

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I really hope Fanatics keeps the Topps branding if they end up buying out the company like is rumored.

It will be absolutely nuts if there is no Topps baseball of any kind. It also kills off Panini baseball.
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