09-09-2021, 12:27 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Australia
Posts: 607
Will you be purchasing day one?
Bit of a quick and easy one but just wondering what the consensus is for this years game. This is probably one of the only years 2K and basketball in general has kept me interested during the offseason and prior to the lacklustre news and announcements for this game I was hyped, now not so much.
This is more a question for the franchise players out there as I almost play that exclusively, will you be a day one purchaser? Have you already pre-ordered? Or will you until over Christmas when the price drops and any noticeable bugs are fixed? Any other opinions on how you will act on this cycle of game?
For me I will probably continue playing 21 as MyNBA doesn't look very different and I am in no way excited about the staff/training additions, add that to the bugs that the mode had when the game first released and now a large option of rosters and draft classes online. The only thing that could sway me would be the inclusion of an updated the progression/regression system, but there has been no word on that. Let me know your thoughts.
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