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Old 09-22-2021, 07:57 PM   #27
NYJin2011tm's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Re: Does Anyone Ever Change Any Rules In Their MyNBA Franchises

Originally Posted by Cold Snap
As for rules I do make happen in this game:

The lottery tournament. It's not perfect, but I like it more than the system we have now. And I still like it more than the "draft wheel" idea, which should also be an option for those that DO like it.

Eliminating the backcourt violation. I don't support this in real life--I only eliminate this rule due to seeing too much of this call made on passes between players on or near the halfcourt stripe. Again, I don't want it in reality, but for this game, it ends an annoyance.

Eliminating the 5-second back-to-the-basket violation. That rule makes about as much sense as making the team lose the ball because the point guard held onto it at the arc too long. I think they actually HAVE a rule like that in college ball. And we already have the perfect solution for pace-of-play--it's called the shot clock.

Elam/fixed-score ending. As an oldhead, I LOVE this idea. It's brilliant. We experimented with it in the All-Star Game, and it killed two birds with one stone: no more end-game stalling, and no more late-game fouling to artificially extend the game. You play until YOU win. Every point brings us closer to finality...that being said, I would like another option regarding this, as I'll state below.

Full 24 seconds off offensive rebounds. Changing that rule was a solution in search of a problem. Before the 14-second rule, less than 10% of offensive rebounds resulted in possessions that took longer than 14 seconds. Pointless.

Change eight-second violation back to ten. As explained by another, this is due to the play-calling menu. I'm fine with the rule in reality, though honestly I don't know why the real league so needed to get those extra two seconds...

Eliminate the play-in tournament. Over half the teams (16/30) already make the playoffs, and you want to add MORE? Needless overcomplication.

One-and-one for the first five team fouls, two shots after ten. If you can't make free throws, that's YOUR problem.

Euroleague goaltending. Once it hits the rim, it's a free ball. The current "offensive interference" rule was put in place because of Wilt Chamberlain, and it was an overreaction even then.

Eliminate the Stepien Rule. If GMs want to be idiots, let them. You can't legislate intelligence.

High-schoolers can enter the draft. Duh.

Rules that need to become options in future 2Ks:

Draft wheel. As stated above, I understand the drawbacks involved, especially when a college player decides "eh, I don't want to play for that team--but look who's got the top pick NEXT year!" But I'll understand if the league eventually does something like this, since tanking teams will have brought it on themselves--thanks a LOT, Sam Hinkie.

Elam ending ONLY for regular-season games. Playoffs and Finals will continue to have overtimes. I understand that players don't want to play two or three overtimes to conclude one out of 82 games. But in the playoffs, tickets are that much more expensive, and fans will feel they got their money's worth with occasional free basketball.

Eliminate defensive three-seconds. See prior post. I also want to bring hand-checking back, but that's not possible in this game engine, plus 2K started in 1999, the year the league ended it, so I understand this one.

And finally, my pipe-dream rule change option:

Eliminate the three-pointer. Probably not possible, given how court graphic files are stored in memory--the arc is likely hard-coded into the graphic and can't be removed. But about 40% of all shots taken are now three-pointers, and it's INCREASING. In fact, it's BEEN increasing every single year since they moved it back to 23'9" in 1997. 40% of all shots, and more taken every year (extrapolated for 82 games) for 24 years? THAT IS NOT SUSTAINABLE.
Besides, remember that Nuggets-Wizards ending?
I actually like the backcourt violations because it adds some non steal turnovers, which is badly needed.
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