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Old 12-09-2021, 12:58 PM   #7
PhillyPhanatic14's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Re: 5th year options

Originally Posted by Madden09operationFan
I may be missing something but I never liked how 5th year options worked and never utilized them. In my view, if there's a player I wanted to keep around I'd offer him a long term contract during the 4th year. The 5th year option would only delay that long term contract, and in doing so, would most likely give him another year to improve and make that long term contract even LARGER next season.

Same. It was frustrating how they wouldn't show you the player ratings or anything too. It's fine early on but when you get deeper into the league and there's a ton of generated player names on the roster it was impossible to know who was up for a 5th yr option
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