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Old 01-19-2022, 01:35 AM   #88
SuperGoalies's Arena
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at loss with puck picks up and stuff, I don't think NHL 22 is ready for realistic yet

Originally Posted by tmello5
So I just came across these sliders. What are the updated player sliders I should input?

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they are in WIP progress right now, I had to watch some games lately to grasp how they picked up the pass, I have to say, NHL 22 does not have a setting currently available to properly replicate it, only 2 settings that come merely close is PickUp Type Effect: CPU: 54 / Human: 54 and Pass Reception Ease: CPU: 50 / Human: 50 and Reception Reaction Time: CPU: 23-25 / Human: 23-25 and Puck Control: CPU: 25-35 / Human: 25-35, the trick is finding the best one.

I do think though NHL 23 might be the answer for it, I just don't think NHL 22 is ready for the correct pickup type yet.

this year NHL 22 seemed bare-bones and 1 or 2 steps backward.

also, this product of NHL 22, seemed rushed into Xbox series X and PS5 consoles, there's a lot of bugs and glitches and textures and players without photos and in-correct arena names and heights and weight and player trades far behind.

also, animations need a lot of work, and bot routes and defensive strategies and be a pro and user strategy adjustments need a lot of work, this game needs a lot of patches. there are still defensive gaps and stuff defense abandoning playing defense and leaving person wide-open which would never happen. and defense is still allowing AI CPU waltz into zone too easy and they are not keeping sticks out to intercept passes and AI CPU is outworking my offense in shots and stuff there are also wonky stats.

Last edited by SuperGoalies; 01-19-2022 at 01:55 AM.
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