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Old 03-14-2022, 09:47 AM   #4
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Join Date: Mar 2022
Re: HYPE/DC & Co - WWE 2K22 Attributes

Can you explain why AERIAL RANGE and AGILITY are so high?

On the default of 50, I already find that wrestlers can reach RIDICULOUS range from the top rope, like, almost the other side of the ring....and they use top rope moves way too often. They also miss them A LOT and it looks dumb, but that's besides the point.

As for agility, I find that anything beyond 50 and wrestlers climb the ropes as if they are lightning fast looks completely ridiculous and sped up.
I find that the 30-50 range is the most realistic looking climbing speed, anything beyond that looks very arcady.

Last edited by NoKungFu; 03-14-2022 at 09:50 AM.
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