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Old 04-11-2022, 11:03 PM   #4
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bcruise's Arena
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Re: Did they Nerf the card colleting?

Originally Posted by misterkrabz2
So I've played three online season games in DD and have gone 2-1 and didn't receive a card, a stub or feels like they've turned into a Madden style grind (which I'm not up for)....anyone else notice this?
I feel like the card reward part of this is a bug because I've played many vs. CPU 9 inning games (where it still shows the percentage chance of getting each tier of card on the opponent select screen) and have only received cards for the losses (usually commons). I filed it as a bug report a while ago.

I've definitely gotten stubs, XP, and PXP from those games in varying amounts depending on performance.
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