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Old 09-04-2022, 07:31 PM   #5
alexbond45's Arena
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Join Date: Dec 2014
Re: NCAA 14 best all around sports game ever?

NCAA 14 looks nice, but I just really hate how it plays.

The on-the-field play is kinda fun to play on offense and horrible on defense. I hate that my drones feel worthless on defense, I hate that the game is so scripted on certain concepts like the read option just forces the DE to chase one guy. It just gets more frustrating than fun to play for me.

I also dislike how dumbed down recruiting is. Sure you can go through recruiting faster, but it feels pretty barebones even when compared to previous games on the same console generation like NCAA 12 and 13.

The sim engine is also goofy in the sense of stats that it can produce IIRC, but this is a complaint that can be leveraged on most EA football games since like...2005 so it's not worth plunking 14 on.

In my humble opinion, NCAA 14's supposed greatness is solely based on the fact that it is the last one and it looks pretty good. If the last one was NCAA 15 instead, people wouldn't give a **** about 14, and might even trash on it in favor of the holy grail of '15.
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