09-23-2022, 12:24 PM
Hall Of Fame
OVR: 40
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Arizona
Posts: 14,950
Re: NFL PRIME TIME (SmashMouth) Player edits (interception resolution)
Awesome job man
It's really good to see guys make a decision on their own to improve the gameplay.
Yes it's time consuming but the end results are worth it. EA might do the work for you but who knows that might not happen until end of the football season.
BTW those edits to jump ratings are things I learned back in NBA live. They make the animations more natural looking and the outcomes much better.
To put in simple a 5'11 PG in Live could jump out the gym with EA's jump rating ratings in the 80's and 90's
That same ratings boost applies to Madden which is why at 40 or 50 rating you get more natural looking LB's and DB's play when the ball is in the air