I sure wish those same devs took the time to test play their own game before providing that type of feedback.
I'd be curious to know since the game is built on top of old code year after year have, they actually sat down and thoroughly tested this setting themselves.
Seems kind of way out there in left field since they admitted a few years ago they didn't even know the extent as to how much value the sliders offer to gameplay.
no disrespect but when I have to lower a Run Block slider down to 0 just to get a semblance of realistic rushing attack, I'm going to assume that 95 threshold is pure speculation because at this point does anyone at EA truly know what's going on with their own gameplay options?
Can that dev confidently tell us that the INT slider at 0 is the most realistic setting at Madden if we wish to see very few INT's.
So, I'm really:

when they speak about what's the most authentic and what's not in their game now days