Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 9/30/22 | 6:05 PM CST -- I'm going to apologize for the quickness of these sets, but finding the base is the main priority now, and as values start to become more clear, it's easier to pick out what works and what doesn't. Version 3 here just finishes up the hard work from Version 1 and 2 findings and establishes better pitch coverage than before. Very simply the width was pretty narrow on Version 2, and while that helped the defensive line's positioning a lot, it started to hurt the actual midfield - which is what we strive for the most when building these sets.
As a result, width goes to 45. This ensures that there are more than one routes to attack, but ensures there is resistance in various parts of the pitch, not just on those successful areas of attack.That width needs to be on the narrow/lower side to allow the center-backs to cover both wide and centrally. This helps those through balls from being automatic scoring chances.
It also helps the midfield congestion to remain, but take a bit further step with reintroducing the FB positioning by taking that value from a low 25 to 45. This allows the FB to remain in the attack during transition moments, while still being able to put pressure on the ball carrier and/or fill passing lanes to break up attacks. In addition, the FB positioning allows more variety from the CPU attack where before at 25 they would stay even with the CBs, which meant route one was straight to the striker with 30-40 yard driven passes. Now, there’s still some direct play, but it’s varied based on what is available and what the tactics call for.
Lastly, the increase of height is a great thing for us. Some may recall the frustration of last year when the height value would not work, which meant we couldn't push the defensive line to meet the attackers, especially in transition. Now, the central mid and defenders are closer in transition to meet the attackers, ensuring it's not the constant perfect clearance to the attacker's feet off corners or dead ball situations. In addition, the height does something we've always wanted, which is play true to the tactical value. If Chelsea have a height of 70, then they will truly play that height of 70. This opens a lot of doors to variety in play and actual team customization - something we haven't had in FIFA for a long time.
I think Version 3 solidifies the base slider set now. We learned from the previous versions, and saw the benefits of what a narrow width brings, which allows this FIFA game to shine a lot more than default gameplay ever will.
One final comment. You can play on Default (Normal) or Slow-paced speeds. Let me say that Slow speed is HIGHLY PLAYABLE and is not broken no matter who thinks it is. Sliders are created as a composition of multiple values to get the game as close to realism as possible. We aren’t pushing to make the game play how EA wants it. Afterall, we’re trying to get the game away from their design - because their design is intended for PvP and arcade-like FUT play. Remember the golden rule: all sliders are relative.
Enjoy Version 3!!