10-23-2022, 09:05 AM
Shot Impact Timing + 3pt Sliders
I was experimenting a bit the sliders and I thought I might share my findings, as they were not what I initially expected:
Shot Impact Timing controls the width of the green window. What I originally thought is the lower the slider, the easier it gets. But it's the other way round: the higher Shot Timing Impact, the easier it is to green a shot.
I tested this with 3pt slider at 0 and shot impact timing and 0 and 100:
with shot timing impact at 0 out of 20 shots all where slightly early and 0 went in. with the slider at 100, out of the first 5 shots, 4 were green and 1 slightly early.
On the other hand, the 3pt slider controls both how many shots go in that are not green (so slightly early/late and even early/late) and additionally controls the width of the green window. So if you put shot impact timing at 0 and leave 3pt at 53 (superstar standard), greening gets harder and thus shooting percentages drop, because slightlys are not going in very much. If you raise 3pt to 61 then (as reccomended in eccentric slider set), shooting percentages get too high again, as the green window gets bigger again and additionally you hit slightly early/late shots to some degree.
Sweet spot in my opinion would be at roughly 56/57 3pt slider I think, need to test that out.
Problem #1 is, that 3pt slider controls the size of the green window....if that wouldn't be the case, finetuning shooting would be much easier. Problem #2 is that with shot timing impact at 0 there are still too many greens on standard sliders. If there would ne close to none, than finetuning with the 3pt slider would be easier again. But you actually would nee to set shot timing impact to "-50" or sth like that to achieve that which is impossible.