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Old 04-01-2023, 08:07 PM   #7
WhiteBunny's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Re: Perfect-Perfect was a bad idea

Originally Posted by Gangrel
Perfectly timed and squares up balls are caught every day in the MLB.
Of course and it's fine. That's not the point. Because you know baseball, i know baseball, everyone here have some knowledge about baseball. But the moment you tell me "perfect !" it's the moment i expect to be rewarded some how. Not with a flyout, anyway. It is a questionable game design choice. There are ton of players playing mostly DD that are not so confident with the real baseball or simply don't approach the game like a sim and that's the reason they're asking SDS to change hitting. Not because they want more hits, but for the message itself: if it's "perfect" you must reward me with something. From a game design point of view, it's problematic to reward an action show as "perfect" with a failure. That's the reason why on Reddit you see 4-5 threads per day of players getting mad about perfect-perfect. For me, SDS should remove that message without touching anything else, but chances is they will patch hitting because DD is the most popular ( and lucrative) mode.
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