Thread: 2023 WWE Draft
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Old 04-08-2023, 11:03 AM   #1
Majingir's Arena
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2023 WWE Draft

Our first draft since 2021, and first spring draft in 4 years.

No date announced yet, but based on Backlash and the drafts usually starting on Fridays, I'd guess May 12th-15th is when we have it.

First draft of the alleged post Vince in creative era.

I don't even have anyone specific I want on a certain brand, I just hope they don't break up any teams (still the worst logic ever when they split up new day, because it made sense some executive would want Kofi and woods but not E when they all literally would've taken up the same draft slot).

Despite that, I could see them splitting up street Profits this way (no need for Ford/Dawkins to turn on each other, we could just see them go their separate ways like we saw with the dudleys, APA etc.)

NXT talent wise I definitely see Bron being drafted. I could see Pretty Deadly, Creeds, Zoey, Indi, Dijak and others drafted.
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