05-14-2023, 11:20 AM
OS Full Equipment Edits - LIVE & IN THE VAULT
Roster Name - OS Full Equipment Edits
Online ID - DavisAC12
Special shout-out to all the guys who carried this project through to the end.
This roster has edits for every teams Opening Day 26 man roster, injured MLB players and top prospects. Each team has roughly 35 edits, we didn’t touch guys that have next to no likelihood of being in MLB.
We used Getty Images mostly to find the most recent equipment for players. Many guys chop and change their stuff every game so we did the best (and most logical) that we could.
Darth_Rambo & DonkeyJote also edited all the ratings to reflect the latest roster update because the base roster we are using is the Tatis Jr face scan roster update.
Lastly, if your favorite player or team doesn’t have the equipment you think they should have - don’t complain here - just change it yourselves. This project took nearly a month with 5-6 guys working on this and we are happy to give it to you all, thanks!
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