I'm more and more convinced that Professional mode, with TOP sliders, is the only one capable of expressing realistic gameplay, with moderate pace of gameplay and a 1/1 ratio between attributes and performance on the field.
Here is an example....in this case the user is me, I play in Semi with my "Professional Strong" sliders
Match South- West H. (Skybet) 0-2
As known, the sum of the attributes of the players on the field defines the real technical figure and value of a Team.
However, I like the W.C. mode also, because it maintains almost all these characteristics: the various teams still express their own personality and are not flattened and boosted, as is the case in the other levels, especially from Legend upward
Here is a nice W.C. match (played by tester GeorgeK) with a nice comeback by Duisburg against Dusseldorf (2-1) Slider Set SFG V1 W.C. FUMA 8 min H.T.