For those of us who sweat the little things visually. Figured we'd get a list going of missing uniforms, helmets, inaccurate fields, etc. Hopefully EA will patch in some of these.
- MetLife midfield art needs to be updated for the Jets and Giants. It still has the NFL shield but the teams finally have their logo at midfield this year.
- 49ers socks show up as an option for all teams when editing uniforms.
- The Jets throwback alternate helmet is missing. For now, EA put their 1980s helmet that has been in the game for years with the new throwback uniform, but it doesn't have the proper metallic base as their normal helmet.
- The Jets away uniforms have the incorrect socks. They have bright green Color Rush socks. EA meant to have the all-white Color Rush socks but screwed up.
- I don't know if this is by design but you cannot edit socks at the uniform select screen anymore.