08-24-2023, 05:18 PM
Competitive over Simulation for Franchise
Wanted to share this with the OS community. It’s something that I’ve been experimenting with for the past few weeks and I’ve seen better gameplay from Madden using this methodology.
In the front end of the game choose PRO and SIMULATION. In the main menu of the game and in your franchise, choose COMPETITIVE. Difficulty will remain at PRO throughout. I won’t post the sliders I use as they’re not mine and I don’t feel comfortable posting someone else’s sliders that doesn’t frequent these forums (to my knowledge). However, you can catch the sliders on his YouTube channel “CBGaming”. They will be for Madden 23, but work well with any next generation Madden (21-24). He uses the CPU v CPU style of play within franchise mode as do I, so I gravitated to them quite easily.
Now on to the results that I’ve seen using the above method. When using SIM, the game results would be somewhat lopsided towards one team and the AI would pass more than run. For some reason, while on COMP, the AI has better play calling and the stats aren’t as inflated through an entire game like with SIM. The final game scores are more in tune with real world scores and it just feels better overall IMO. Animations don’t seem as wonky and it looks pretty smooth. I’m thinking since Madden has been geared towards the MUT community for so long that the entire game is coded/programmed towards that mode in particular. Now you won’t see many penalties using COMP, but you never saw many penalties in SIM either. You will see a few here and there, but they’re sporadic at best. I’m just speaking to what I’ve seen during my experience. Someone else may get totally different vibes from this.
Anyways, thought I’d throw this out there to the forum. Happy Madden season everyone!!
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