Can you please do a play now using the CURRENT Bulls (with Derozan, Lavine etc) facing each other, and switch their jerseys (home and away) to the 93-98 jerseys, and let me know if they still get those epic 90’s warmup jerseys?? They have them in 2K23 but ONLY when you use the modern Bulls in modern era modes (it won’t work with the classic Bulls teams).
It is a big benefit for me since I use custom historic rosters in modern mode.
Would be major appreciated if you can check and let me know. I’m really curious to know if those warmups were exclusive to 2K23 or if they live on. And little things like that may determine if I get 2K24.
I’m also really curious to know if Jordan got new sigs. If you’re able to post screenshots of his sigs that’d go a long way.
Btw rounddball rock in eras is astonishing. That’s a little thing very much in favor of 24.