Thread: CFB Stadiums
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Old 02-25-2024, 07:28 PM   #6
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illwill10's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Re: CFB Stadiums

Originally Posted by Ghost Of The Year
BYU has hands down my favorite views. So iconic. I want to schedule and start a rivalry with Army against BYU, then Syracuse, if at all possible.
I'm really hoping they nail the scenic views. Originally when I was thinking about a Teambuilder team, I was thinking about using a dome stadium like Syracuse or Tulane. But, if they nail down the scenic views, that completely changes my plans. I would literally choose a stadium like App State just for the scenic view lol. I was thinking about a stadium like BYU, but I didn't want a mountain skyline because I want to create a school in a state like Florida or Texas

I'm hoping for those stadiums with great scenic views that they do pan over before the game and pan overs during breaks of the game.
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