03-04-2024, 09:29 PM
OVR: 5
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Chicagoland
Re: MLB The Show 23 - The Little Things
Started a franchise using the ATG/Jim Myers 1990 rosters. Prior to starting, I simmed seven seasons and exported the players from those seasons and imported them onto the base file so players would have career stats and service time. Now, the only rookies on the roster are those players who were actual rookies in 1990. No longer seeing every player getting their first major league milestone such as hit, HR, SB, or strikeouts and wins for pitchers.
As I've started my new season with these rosters, a nice little side effect is that awards won during the simmed seasons also carry over. So Rick Sutcliffe won a Cy Young award during the sim, and the game reflects that in my new franchise and Boog mentions it. Silver slugger awards, gold gloves MVPs are all showing up.
With that being said, there needs to be a way to see these awards won on the players' pages. They are obviously under the hood somewhere. We should be able to see them
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