LR - slotted pitchers' innings are still very high. Part of this is due to many starting pitchers being in those slots, who have a lot of games started from either spot starts or having been demoted from the rotation. There are a few cases of actual relief pitchers in the long slots getting consistently high IP too though - Touki Toussaint is one of those.
I will say, from a balance standpoint, that if those innings are being accumulated from the 6th inning or before I don't have as much of an issue with it, even if the season numbers look high. I have manager hook maxed already in an effort to lower complete games by starters, and that also has the effect of getting those long relief guys out of the game if they start getting hit hard or tired. The only way to see how the CPU is managing its late game pen is by playing through games (looking at box scores can tell you who pitched and when, but it won't tell you what the situations were), and that's what I'm doing right now.