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Old 04-10-2024, 10:58 AM   #6
PhlliesPhan6's Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Feb 2009
Re: Any sliders that are not HOF/Legend difficulty?

Originally Posted by Instant C1a55ic
I normally use Dynamic and that's about where I fall in terms of batting. I get to vet plus, then it's just up and down within that difficulty.

I just dont get hits, that's all I can really say. Most of my contact just goes right to someone it seems. If it's not perfect/perfect, it's a beamer to an outfielder, or a bloop within the infield.

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If you wanted to try HOF, you could bump up your Use Contact and Timing and see if that helps. If it doesn't then bump Power and Solid hits. Or try and the suggestion above for All Star. I'm not the greatest hitter in the game either but something about playing on HOF or Legend just feels better.
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