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Old 04-18-2024, 04:44 PM   #3
DarthRambo's Arena
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Re: What slider do i move up

Originally Posted by thesportsartist
So i got a franchise going…pitching on legend default is fine. I use all star hitting (timing) with the yankees. However hitting i see too much “weak” contact, infield pop ups on good timing etc. I don’t wanna move sliders around too much….but around 80 games in i’ve been moving contact +1 a few games…then power up +1 a few games…then solid hits +1…. but still have a lack of good contact home runs etc….which slider would yall think is best? For reference the only players really hitting home runs are Judge Stanton Soto. Those 3 have 71 of our 101 home runs. At least 5 times again no matter the player the timing or the location of the pitch its an infield fly out. Maybe I am expecting too muc but would love to hear yall feedback.
If you are getting good timing but weak contact, or even swing and miss with good timing. All that is a sign of a cold slump for that particular player. Just stay the course and it will work itself out. Opposite side of it those same guys will be getting hits off pitches way off the plate, or jam shots plucking their way in for singles.

Have you play all 80 games??

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