Thread: Bunting
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Old 04-23-2024, 05:52 PM   #7
GoDucks1224's Arena
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: San Francisco
Re: Bunting

They broke this years ago when bunting was being 'abused' in online games. So they made it so players have to hit a certain ratings threshold to have decent bunts. I think you'll only ever lay down a truly excellent bunt if they're over a 70 at minimum. Those are the guys who can bunt for singles sometimes, if they have speed. I think anything below a 50 seems to be an automatic popup (almost always directly to the pitcher) or rocket to the third baseman. It sucks. Because the online community whining about bunting is what caused them to change it. All I can say is, at least we don't have pitchers hitting anymore. That was when I bunted most. But I still try to drop bunts if I have a guy on second with no outs and the batter isn't great. It just won't work majority of the time. Using the directional stick to aim the bunts definitely helps, but I swear they're mostly popups if their rating is bad regardless.
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