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Old 06-03-2024, 05:57 PM   #14
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Re: Finance & Investing

Originally Posted by EUBlink
I only wish similar rallies would hit better companies than Gamestop. I know that it is one of the last widespread/large chain brick-and-mortar gaming stores these days in America, but I feel they don't offer their customers substantial reason to continue to return to stores when compared to other business and online options. I get reasoning for getting in on it, though. I did the same with the last one.
If everything I've been on the up-and-up with GameStop is seemingly correct, they're transitioning from a traditional brick-and-mortar retail model to a more diversified digital and e-commerce strategy.

I guess that's what hedge funds get for trying to short this company into oblivion.

I see that BRK and GOLD both are nearing ending positive for the day. Crude oil is down nearly $3, but that isn't anything most folks are concerned with. I have three stakes that I still have ties to but I have learned to no rely on that kind of investment for any steady or reliable income.
BRK.A's downpour and halt are extremely, extremely suspicious. I think somebody got liquidated and margin-called, and they performed some heinous "glitch" to purchase some shares low and come out on top with an extra $17 million to cover their losses.

When you start seeing more glitches like this, then glitch better have my money soon because this crime can't last forever.
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