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Old 06-14-2024, 12:06 PM   #1
Therebelyell626's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: Los Angeles
I just wish they would have stuck with the path they were on

I finally got the game because I found it on sale for $20, and I saw they have updated the roster a bit since release. Man am I disappointed. This game is just not very good. I wish they would have just stuck with the path they were on with UFC 2 and built from there. The pre-imputed combos and stiff gameplay are just not the way to go in my opinion. I completely skipped UFC 4 for the most part outside of the trial, and somehow they have managed to make the clinch even more of a non factor. This game is just flat out boring as on offline player. There really isn’t much to do. Ran a couple of exhibition fights and afterwards just felt like “now what”. I can’t believe it took them that long from UFC 4 to UFC 5 to only come up with this. They really need to go back to the drawing board, because this really isn’t it.

However, I do want to highlight a couple of positives. Really do like the transition based sub system. It needs work but has way more potential than that weird gated system they had in UFC 2, or the wheel and seesaw system. Also, simulation mode. My lord what an experience. It actually feels like an MMA fight for once. Really hard to finish your opponent on higher difficulties, and you have to fight smart and manage stamina. Well done. Also, the head movement has come along way and is actually the most responsive part to the stand up. It makes sense and you don’t feel cheated when you make the right slips, pulls, and ducks. Honestly, if they just had UFC 2 striking with UFC 5 head movement, and this new transition based sub system with some minor adjustments , and more single player offline experiences to keep people engaged, this could be a really solid game. Unfortunately we are looking at UFC 6 for anything substantial, and considering this is all they did from UFC 4 to 5, I suspect EA really isn’t putting that much money behind this game unfortunately
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