So at a glance the players look phenomenal, you have alot and I mean really deep history with these teams, that will make for even deeper draft prospects in the future, this could easily go 15 years+ generated.
The one thing I'm confused on is the actually slider stuff, usually in scenarios the creator will implement the sliders and settings within the setup.
Where I'm not understanding is, did you mean to leave everything set to Allstars default?
I downloaded your spreadsheet and I see the slider setting, but what's loaded in your actual scenario and what's on the sheet doesn't match, and I don't even see where you could input that stuff in the game because usually all that is done before starting the actually season.
You can implement the settings and save your settings under a name you wish, then allow others to use the settings you would like to match your season.
Until I here from you about this, I chose pop boy's 90s sliders and seasonal setup for pace n possession setup.
Other than that the roster as I said is extremely deep and will take an extremely amount of time to learn players and there skills.
Outstanding imo.
Ty again.