07-12-2024, 05:00 PM
No Formation Subs Or Mass Subs?
The more I read into this game the more I’m starting to believe that dynasty mode just isn’t going to be very good. At least not at first until several patches hit. Recruiting looks easy and now I’m hearing the CPU doesn’t sub their guys in blowouts. Which is odd because it seems that would go directly against this fancy new wear and tear system. Also going to kill simmed stats.
The number lock, no create a player for dynasty mode, all these other little things are going kill realism in dynasty mode.
Hopefully there’s a day 1 patch to fix some of these issues that will make the game fun for the people they keep saying this game was made for. Until then I’m getting a real Madden vibe. A game that looks amazing but the small details just aren’t great. RTG might have some replay value though.
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