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Old 08-03-2024, 05:40 PM   #2
tetoleetd's Arena
OVR: 8
Join Date: Jul 2011
Re: Dynasty/update question

Originally Posted by creatorsgame
Finally getting to this game after a busy summer. My copy should arrive on the doorstep tomorrow, and I’m excited to have about 2 slowish weeks to play before work gets crazy again.

My question is related to dynasty mode and the next update patch. I will want to fire up an offline Syracuse dynasty almost immediately. Should I wait until the next patch, or will the patch fix things in a pre-existing save?

I should know the answer to this but I just don’t game as much as I used to and can’t remember how it was done in past games. Any help here is appreciated.
Nobody really knows. People have asked this question a lot and there's never a straight answer lol.

My advice to you would be don't hold your breathe that the under the hood things in dynasty will be fixed. You could be twiddling your thumbs waiting for a day that will never come.

And I would suggest that you do an online dynasty just in case things are fixed and just in case the possible updates do take effect.
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