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Old 08-06-2024, 03:06 PM   #1
OVR: 3
Join Date: Jul 2007
Athletes (especially Athlete QBs) need immediate attention from EA

I know there has been conversation about this in other threads, but I'm hoping that this can maybe get some singular attention as I've done some research that really shows how out of balance athlete QBs are in this game.

For context, there are seven QBs in the base roster with 91 or better speed. The best is 95 (QB at Vandy) and there is a 92 as well.

I simmed three recruiting classes in a file. The results I saw were absolutely staggering:
  • QBs with 91+ speed: 38 per class
  • QBs with 93+ speed: 22 per class
  • QBs with 95+ speed: 9 per class
  • QBs with 97+ speed: 3 per class

All of these were Athletes with Scrambler QB as their archetype.

It's absolutely maddening that the devs claimed to look at ten years of historical data to determine pipeline, but they didn't consider their own base roster when developing recruiting classes. I can't quite understand the oversight.. especially when this was a fundamental problem in NCAA 14.

A secondary issue here is that the CPU simply never adjusts an athletes position. As a result they'll hoard 7+ QBs, and I've seen rosters where the CPU will sign three quarterbacks with 90+ speed. It all just becomes homogenous, and the other two archetypes are irrelevant.
bucknut7 is offline  
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