Thread: Equipment Rant
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Old 08-12-2024, 07:46 PM   #1
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Join Date: May 2013
Equipment Rant

Apologies but, Just a small rant. the "equipment updates" each year get more and more underwhelming. Like, im glad we finally have padded sleeves after a decade of asking, some rolled up sleeves and a couple new cleats but come on.

Same gloves each year, arm bands, (in beta there was an option for upper and lower bands so maybe if we pray?) generic tape options, the facemasks that are allegedly "scanned" still look awful. (f7 masks in particular). we still have visors that don't even fit on some masks correctly. (Jonathan Taylor in particular)

i know this is a pointless rant to some but im big on authenticity man. The modding community on PC has BY FAR delivered in this aspect better then the people that are paid to do it. I honestly just dont get it.

again im sorry for the rant but this is just crazy at this point.
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